New York Times Paywall Smasher

  1. New York Times Paywall Smasher Firefox
  2. New York Times Paywall Smasher Browser
  3. New York Times Paywall Smasher Download

NY Times Paywall userscript here, using Greasemonkey in Firefox and Chrome or Greasekit in Safari.The New York Times launches its digital subscription packages today at 2 p.m. ThatRead moreLastly, there's the handy NYTClean bookmarklet. Let's look at some of the new york times paywall smasher methods. Three ways to bypass the NY Times payment wall There are a variety of approaches that have been used to bypass paywalls, and most of these have been discussed at length online like ny times paywall user script etc.


Subscription Management

I have active subscriptions with about a half-dozen different news & finance sites along with about a half dozen software tools, but sometimes using a VPN or web proxy across different web browsers makes logging in to all of them & clearing cookies for some paywall sites a real pain.

If you don't subscribe to any outlets then subscribing to an aggregator like Apple News+ can make a lot of sense, but it is very easy to end up with dozens of forgotten subscriptions.

Subscription fatigue is turning into subscription stress. Something alarming, guilt inducing about having 40+ reoccurring charges each month.
Financial death by a thousand cuts.— Tom Goodwin (@tomfgoodwin) January 28, 2020

Winner-take-most Market Stratification

The news business is coming to resemble other tech-enabled businesses where a winner takes most. The New York Times stock, for instance, is trading at 15 year highs & they recently announced they are raising subscription prices:

The New York Times is raising the price of its digital subscription for the first time, from $15 every four weeks to $17 — from about $195 to $221 a year.

With a Trump re-election all but assured after the Russsia, Russia, Russia garbage, the party-line impeachment (less private equity plunderer Mitt Romney) & the ridiculous Iowa primary, many NYT readers will pledge their #NeverTrumpTwice dollars with the New York Times.

If you think politics looks ridiculous today, wait until you see some of the China-related ads in a half-year as the 2019 novel coronavirus spreads around the world.

Police in Central China's Wuhan arrested 8 people spreading rumors about local outbreak of unidentifiable #pneumonia. Previous online posts said it was SARS.— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) January 1, 2020

Arresting a doctor who warned about the outbreak doesn't have good optics, particularly after hundreds of other deaths piled up from it & when he later died from from the virus.

The optics keep getting worse.

Somewhere in Wuhan, three unknown people are wearing protective clothing but holding guns— 港英漁業 (@lym104_hker) February 1, 2020

How does a broad-based news site compete with the user generated Tweets in such a zone?

WATCH: Chinese authorities are now WELDING DOORS SHUT to whole apartment buildings, as well as residents inside - to impose #Coronavirus quarantine.— AS-Source News (@ASBreakingNews) February 8, 2020

And any widely known individual journalist who builds a large audience might get disappeared.

Twitter recently surpassed $1 billion in quarterly revenues, but time spent on Twitter is time not spent on other news websites.

McClatchy filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. Outside of a few core winners, the news business online has been so brutal that even Warren Buffett is now a seller. As the economics get uglier news sites get more extreme with ad placements, user data sales, and pushing subscriptions. Some of these aggressive monetization efforts make otherwise respectable news outlets look like part of a very downmarket subset of the web.

Users Fight Back

Users have thus adopted to blocking ads & are also starting to ramp up blocking paywall notifications.

  • Some of the most popular browser extensions are ad blockers & tracking blockers like Adblock Plus, Ghostery & Privacy Badger.
  • Apple has made tracking their users across sites harder with their Intelligent Tracking Prevention, causing iPhone ad rates to plummet: 'The allure of a Safari user in an auction has plummeted,' Rubicon Project CEO Michael Barrett told the publication. 'There's no easy ability to ID a user.'
  • The Opera web browser comes with an ad blocker baked in.
  • Mozilla is also pushing to protect user privacy in Firefox.
  • Google recently announced they will stop supporting third party cookies in Chrome in the next couple years. Those who invested into adopting AMP will have to invest into making yet more technical changes to manage paywalls on AMP pages.

Each additional layer of technological complexity is another cost center publishers have to fund, often through making the user experience of their sites worse, which in turn makes their own sites less differentiated & inferior to the copies they have left across the web (via AMP, via Facebook Instant Articles, syndication in Apple News or on various portal sites like MSN or Yahoo!).

A Web Browser For Every Season

Google Chrome is spyware, so I won't recommend installing that.

Not good enough for you? Not a direct enough corollary? How about this?
Also out today: Google has a backdoor to track individual Chrome users by installation ID.
Even GG's denial admits pieces of the same complaints y'all had about Jumpshot last week!— Rand Fishkin (@randfish) February 4, 2020

Here Google's official guide on how to remove the spyware.

The easiest & most basic solution which works across many sites using metered paywalls is to have multiple web browsers installed on your computer. Have a couple browsers which are used exclusively for reading news articles when they won't show up in your main browser & set those web browsers to delete cookies on close. Or open the browsers in private mode and search for the URL of the page from Google to see if that allows access.

  • If you like Firefox there are other iterations from other players like Pale Moon, Comodo IceDragon or Waterfox using their core.
  • If you like Google Chrome then Chromium is the parallel version of it without the spyware baked in. The Chromium project is also the underlying source used to build about a dozen other web browsers including: Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, Cilqz, Blisk, Comodo Dragon, SRWare Iron, Yandex Browser & many others. Even Microsoft recently switched their Edge browser to being powered by the Chromium project. The browsers based on the Chromium store allow you to install extensions from the Chrome web store.
  • Some web browsers monetize users by setting affiliate links on the home screen and/or by selling the default search engine recommendation. You can change those once and they'll typically stick with whatever settings you use.
  • For some browsers I use for regular day to day web use I set them up to continue session on restart, and I have a session manager plugin like this one for Firefox or this one for Chromium-based browsers. For browsers which are used exclusively for reading paywall blocked articles I set them up to clear cookies on restart.

Bypassing Paywalls

Many web browsers have a 'reader' mode available which bypasses some JavaScript overlays that obfuscate content.

Here is a picture of the Mozilla Firefox reading mode button and how a website appears after clicking it.

There are also a couple solid web browser plugins built specifically for bypassing paywalls.

Academic Journals

Unpaywall is an open database of around 25,000,000 free scholarly articles. They provide extensions for Firefox and Chromium based web browsers on their website.

News Articles

There is also one for news publications called bypass paywalls.

  • Mozilla Firefox: To install the Firefox version go here.
  • Chrome-like web browsers: To install the Chrome version of the extension in Opera or Chromium or Microsoft Edge you can download the extension here, enter developer mode inside the extensions area of your web browser & install extension. To turn developer mode on, open up the drop down menu for the browser, click on extensions to go to the extension management area, and then slide the 'Developer mode' button to the right so it is blue.

Regional Blocking

New York Times Paywall Smasher

If you travel internationally some websites like YouTube or Twitter or news sites will have portions of their content restricted to only showing in some geographic regions. This can be especially true for new sports content and some music.

These can be bypassed by using a VPN service like NordVPN, ExpressVPN, Witopia or IPVanish. Some VPN providers also sell pre-configured routers. If you buy a pre-configured router you can use an ethernet switch or wifi to switch back and forth between the regular router and the VPN router.

You can also buy web proxies & enter them into the Foxy Proxy web browser extension (Firefox or Chromium-compatible) with different browsers set to default to different country locations, making it easier to see what the search results show in different countries & cities quickly.

If you use a variety of web proxies you can configure some of them to work automatically in an open source rank tracking tool like Serposcope.

The Future of Journalism

I think the future of news is going to be a lot more sites like Ben Thompson's Stratechery or Jessica Lessin's TheInformation & far fewer broad/horizontal news organizations. Things are moving toward the 1,000 true fans or perhaps 100 true fans model:

This represents a move away from the traditional donation model—in which users pay to benefit the creator—to a value model, in which users are willing to pay more for something that benefits themselves. What was traditionally dubbed “self-help” now exists under the umbrella of “wellness.” People are willing to pay more for exclusive, ROI-positive services that are constructive in their lives, whether it’s related to health, finances, education, or work. In the offline world, people are accustomed to hiring experts across verticals

A friend of mine named Terry Godier launched a conversion-oriented email newsletter named Conversion Gold which has done quite well right out of the gate, leading him to launch IndieMailer, a community for paid newsletter creators.

The model which seems to be working well for those sorts of news sites is...

  • stick to a tight topic range
  • publish regularly at a somewhat decent frequency like daily or weekly, though have a strong preference to quality & originality over quantity
  • have a single author or a small core team which does most the writing and expand editorial hiring slowly
  • offer original insights & much more depth of coverage than you would typically find in the mainstream news
  • Rely on Wordpress or a low-cost CMS & billing technology partner like Substack, Memberful, sell on a marketplace like Udemy, Podia or Teachable, or if they have a bit more technical chops they can install aMember on their own server. One of the biggest mistakes I made when I opened up a membership site about a decade back was hand rolling custom code for memberhsip management. At one point we shut down the membership site for a while in order to allow us to rip out all that custom code & replace it with aMember.
  • Accept user comments on pieces or integrate a user forum using something like Discord on a subdomain or a custom Slack channel. Highlight or feature the best comments. Update readers to new features via email.
  • Invest much more into obtaining unique data & sources to deliver new insights without spending aggressively to syndicate onto other platforms using graphical content layouts which would require significant design, maintenance & updating expenses
  • Heavily differentiate your perspective from other sources
  • maintain a low technological maintenance overhead
  • low cost monthly subscription with a solid discount for annual pre-payment
  • instead of using a metered paywall, set some content to require payment to read & periodically publish full-feature free content (perhaps weekly) to keep up awareness of the offering in the broader public to help offset churn.

Some also work across multiple formats with complimentary offerings. The Ringer has done well with podcasts & Stratechery also has the Exponent podcast.

There are a number of other successful online-only news subscription sites like TheAthletic & Bill Bishop's Sinocism newsletter about China, but I haven't subscribed to them yet. Many people support a wide range of projects on platforms like Patreon & sites like MasterClass with an all-you-can-eat subscription will also make paying for online content far more common.

New York Times Paywall Smasher
Published: February 8, 2020 by Aaron Wall in publishing & media

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Can I get the Financial Times delivered?

New York Times Paywall Smasher Firefox

In order to do so you will need to take out a print + digital subscription. This will provide you with daily newspaper delivery as well as unlimited access to via desktop, tablet and mobile.

How much is the Weekend Financial Times?

The Financial Times has announced a 10p pro-rata cover price increase for its FT Weekend edition, bringing the papers recommended retail price to £4. The change came into effect on the first weekend of September, retaining its retailer’s margins at 22%, increasing them from 85p to 88p.

Does Barnes and Noble sell the Financial Times?

Financial Times – 05/22/21 | NOOK Newspaper | Barnes & Noble ®

How much is a subscription to the Financial Times?

The recommended retail price, or RRP — the default amount that the FT will charge me for renewing my subscription — is $353.86, or a 70% premium over the WSJ rate. And if I want the full FT online package, including Lex, then that’s $486.35 annually, or 2.3 times the cost of a WSJ online subscription.

Is it worth subscribing to Financial Times?

Yes, it’s worth the money.

How do I read Financial Times for free?

You can read financial times paywall based articles for free with this simple trick of installing a chrome extension in your browser from GitHub which is named “Paywall Chrome Smasher” Paywall chrome smasher is one of the best solutions to get around any newspaper site Paywalls for free.

Can I just subscribe to FT Weekend?

You can choose a Monday to Saturday package for the full experience, or a Weekend only subscription to get our beloved FT Weekend. Newspaper subscriptions also include access to the ePaper. Please note that How to Spend It is only included in limited locations.

Is Financial Times printed today?

The FT does not publish or distribute a newspaper on specific public bank holidays in each region across the world. We do not publish on any Sunday.

Is Financial Times a good newspaper?

New York Times Paywall Smasher Browser

According to the Global Capital Markets Survey, which measures readership habits amongst most senior financial decision makers in the world’s largest financial institutions, the Financial Times is considered the most important business read, reaching 36% of the sample population, 11% more than The Wall Street Journal (

New York Times Paywall Smasher Download

Do Barnes and Noble sell newspapers?

U.S. Newspapers newspapers, Newspapers, Newsstand | Barnes & Noble ® *Some exclusions apply. *See page for details. *Limited time offer.

Does Barnes and Noble carry Investors Business Daily?

Investor’s Business Daily Guide to the Markets by Investor’s Business Daily, Anvestors Business Daily, Paperback | Barnes & Noble ®

Does Barnes and Noble sell New York Post?

New York Post | NOOK Newspaper | Barnes & Noble ® *See page for details. *Some exclusions apply. must-read books!

Is Financial Times Better Than WSJ?

Digital growth at the WSJ has been faster at 23%, with around 1.7 million digital subscribers and close to 3 million subscribers overall. The FT has a slight premium – it’s roughly 20% more expensive than the Journal – though the multitude of packages makes it hard to calculate.

How much does the Times newspaper cost?

The Times, which is owned by News UK, has taken the decision to hold the price of the Saturday edition, which is £1.50, and the Sunday Times at £2.50. There has not been a cover price increase for the weekend papers since 2012.

How much does the Sunday Times cost?

News UK has announced that The Sunday Times will cost 20p more from Sunday 7 July but margins for retailers will remain at 21%. Increasing in price from £2.70 to £2.90, the change is forecast to deliver an extra £5.6m in cash per year for stores. Retailers selling the paper will now make 60.9p on every copy sold.