NARUTO SHIPPUDEN™: Ultimate Ninja® STORM 4 Demo. The latest opus in the acclaimed STORM series is taking you on a colorful and breathtaking ride. Take advantage of the totally revamped battle system and prepare to dive into the most epic fights you’ve ever seen! Prepare for the most awaited STORM game ever created! The Ninja 5.1 Ultimate Hacked LAG x1000! By Alex20091982. Ninja Hack by KEREM44. By king-kong-2; The Ninja Hacked! None Selected 007: Agent Under Fire (GC) 007: Nightfire (GC) 1942 (NES) 1943: The Battle of Midway (NES) 40 Winks (N64) 8 Eyes (NES) 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (NDS) Abadox: The Deadly Inner War (NES) Action 52 (NES) ActRaiser (SNES) ActRaiser 2 (SNES) Addams Family Values (SNES) Addams Family Values (GEN) ADK Tamashii.
Note: This game is also titled Naruto: Narutimate Hero.
Alternate costumesAt the character selection screen, hold L1 + R1 while choosing a character. In Free Battle or Mission mode, hold L2 + R1 and press X while selecting a character.
Chibi battleWhile playing in Versus mode, hold Square while the fighter's names are spoken (for example, Naruto vs. Sasuke). Continue holding Square through the intermission sequence to fight with the Chibi version of the characters.
Bonus missionsSuccessfully complete 'S' rank Mission 2, 'Icha Icha Paradise', to unlock Mission 11. Successfully complete all non-'S' rank missions (Hokage rank) to unlock Mission 12.
Successfully complete Gaara's Story mode to unlock two Village Of Sand missions, Kazekage's Mansion, Sumanigo Estate, and Buddha Statue.
Successfully complete Haku's Story mode to unlock the Great Naruto Bridge and Zabuza's Hideout missions.
Play as Curse-Marked SasukeReach the 'Chunin' rank (500 EXP) in Mission mode to unlock Cursed Sealed Sasuke in Mission, Practice, and Free Battle mode.
Play as GaaraSuccessfully complete Saga mode with Zabuza to unlock Gaara in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Gaara to unlock him in Versus mode.
Play as HakuSuccessfully complete Saga mode as Hinata to unlock Haku in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Haku to unlock him in Versus mode.
Play as Hinata HyugaSuccessfully complete Saga mode as Neji to unlock Hinata in Saga Mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Hinata Hyuga to unlock her in Versus mode.
Play as Neji HyugaSuccessfully complete Saga mode as any default character to unlock Neji in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Neji Hyuga to unlock him in Versus mode.
Play as Nine-Tailed NarutoReach the 'Jonin' rank (1,750 EXP) in Mission mode to unlock Nine-Tailed Naruto in Mission, Practice, and Free Battle mode.
Play as OrochimaruSuccessfully complete Saga mode as Gaara to unlock Orochimaru in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Orochimaru to unlock him in Versus mode.
Play as Sexy Jutso Saska or KakashiUse Kakashi or Saske and use Sharingon then copy Sexy Justsu.
Play as Zabuza MomochiSuccessfully complete Saga mode as Haku to unlock Zabuza in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Zabuza Momochi to unlock him in Versus mode.
Capsule machinesReach the 'Special Jonin' rank to unlock the Capsule Machine for Collectors. Reach the 'Anbu' rank to unlock the Capsule Machine for Maniacs.
RanksGet the indicated amount of EXP in Mission mode to reach the corresponding rank:
- Genin: 50 EXP
- Chunin: 500 EXP
- Special Jonin: 1,150 EXP
- Jonin: 1,750 EXP
- Anbu: 2,170 EXP
- Hokage: 2,490 EXP
Hold Up to assume a taunting pose. The only characters who can do this are Sakura, Hinata, Shikamaru, and Kakashi.
Restore ChakraTo recover Chakra (energy), hold Down. Note: You will be defenseless while recovering Chakra.
Extra JutsuWhile playing as any character, press Down(2), Circle to perform a Jutsu.
Inner Sasuke and Inner KakashiFight Sakura and use Sasuke or Kakashi's Sharingan special. Then, press Down(2), Circle to use Inner Sasuke or Inner Kakashi.
Sasuke or Kakashi with swordPerform the Sharingan super move with either Sasuke or Kakashi while fighting Orochimaru or Zabuza. If you complete the move, Sasuke or Kakashi will have a sword (depending on which you are fighting).
Sasuke with cursed mark and sharengaurd eyesUltimate Ninja Ninja King Gold Hacked
When activating Sauske, (cursed marked) at the last part when Cursed Mark Sauske attacks with his lightning covered hand, look closely at his eyes. His eyes are sharengaurd. Note: Sharengaurd will not work on Curse Marked Sauske.
Sharingan glitch with Curse-Marked SasukeUnlock Curse-Marked Sasuke, then use Curse-Marked Sasuke's special when he uses the Lightning Blade. After he uses it, look at his eyes. The Sharingan should be activated, however you cannot use the Sharingan afterwards.
Easy winsWhile fighting at Zabuza's Hideout, teleport to the top portion of the battlefield where the bed is located. Run left or right under the ropes. Jump onto the rope and run to the left if you chose the right rope; or to the right if you chose the left rope. When your oponent jumps on to the other side, attack him or her to their side of the rope. This will trap them between you and the tree.
Ultimate Ninja Ninja King Gold Hacks
Easily complete 'Tug Of War On The Bridge' missionPlay as Sasuke. Go behind Haku and press Circle repeatedly. You should get the three additional blows down. Then, use Sasuke's second special (Windmill Triple Attack/Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu) to defeat Haku.
'Dynamic entree' commentSelect Two Player mode and use Kakashi's Sharingan. Copy Sakura Chakra techniques. Instead of saying 'Fair tales is for real', he will say 'Dynamic entree'.
Hidden ScrollsAn easy way to obtain the hidden Scrolls is to complete the objective in Practice mode. This will not work for the Kikyo Castle, Zabuza's Hideout, or Great Naruto Bridge stage. Obtain these Scrolls in Two Player Free mode and have one of the players not move.

The Ramen Ichiraku stage: Strike all the lanterns on the lowest level of this stage untill they glow red and are about to break. Do not break them. If done correctly, you will get the hidden Scroll.
Hokage's Mountainside Images stage: Jump up and down on the treetop to the left of the center ring. After about ten jumps you will receive the hidden Scroll.
Hero's Memorial Stone stage: Strike your enemy's support character five times to receive the hidden Scroll.
Survival Exercise Ground stage: Destroy ten of the practice dummies appearing on the back plane to obtain the hidden Scroll.
Look Out Tower stage: This is one of the hardest Scrolls to obtain. To get the Scroll, shatter the purple barrier that stops you from plane shifting. Then, go to the giant frog's head. You must jump from the frog's head to the snake's head without falling or touching the ground. The easiest way to do this is to jump forward then double jump at the last moment. Then, perform an air dash toward the snake's head. Then, return to the frog's head using the same move. All this must be done before the snake starts breathing fire. The moment you get back to the frog's head, you will receive the hidden Scroll.
Chunin Exam Stadium stage: Run to the hole in the ground five times to obtain the hidden Scroll. Make sure you wall-run out of the tunnel each time.
Kikyo Castle stage: Stand on the top tail tip of the fish statue in the upper-right hand corner of the back plane while the timer gauge ticks down for ten seconds.
Exercise Ground Forest Of Death stage: Attack the fish swimming in the stream three times to get the Scroll.
Zabuza's Hideout stage: Stand on the building's upper most level and wait for three counts of the time gauge to receive the Scroll.
Great Naruto Bridge stage: Stand still on the boat for three counts of the timer gauge to obtain a hidden Scroll.
Kazekage's Mansion stage: Attack the vending machine between fifteen and thirty times to get the hidden Scroll.
Sunagimo Estate and Buddha Statue stage: Plane shift up to the top of the level and destroy the object flying in the tornado. It will take more than one tornado to complete this.
In Freebattle mode with one or two players, use Sasuke and fight Naruto eleven times or more to get a hidden Scroll.
Chakra techniquesYou can do a Jutsu without using your secret techniques. Press Down(2), Circle to perform the following Chakra techniques:
- Gaara: Cursed Sandstorm Severing
- Result: Uses Shukaku's arm to punch the opponent.
- Haku: A thousand Needles of Death 1
- Result: Splashes water, freezes them, and fires sharp ice needles.
- Hinata: Medicine
- Result: Restores health, attack, and speed.
- Kakashi: A Thousand Years of Death
- Result: Goes behind the opponent and gives them a painful poke in the butt.
- Lee: Leaf Whirlwind
- Result: Spins leg around to trip the opponent.
- Naruto: I overdid it!
- Result: Farts to make the opponent faint.
- Neji: Rotation
- Result: Spins like a top to counterattack.
- Orochimaru: Blade Technique
- Result: Slashes the opponent with a powered sword.
- Sasuke: Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu
- Result: Blows a large flame to burn the opponent.
- Sakura: This fairy tale is for real!!
- Result: Uses Inner Sakura to do a flurry of punches.
- Shikamaru: Now, Choji!
- Result: Summons Choji to the battle field to use the Human Boulder, and crushes the opponent.
- Zabuza: Water Prison Jutsu
- Result: Traps the opponent in a bubble, then crushes the opponent.
'Ultimate Ninja:Ninja King' faithfully follows the original story, perfectly presenting the classic scenes. By playing their favorite ninjas, players can fully experience the fierce battle and gorgeous stunts.Features:1. Gorgeous combat, exciting combo strike;Combine all Ninjutsu at your will, experience smooth operation of combo strike; Fantastic special effects are extremely eye-catching2. Recruit Ninja, deploy strategy;Recruit legendary Ninjas, create your own team; activate the power of fetter, form the best lineup3. Ninja training, format advance;Upgrade equipment, collect weapons, learn Ninjutsu, unlock diverse formats of Ninja; share the growing path with your loving Ninja4. Ninja club, new fetter;Set up Ninja clubs with your friends, take part in Guild War, compete for resources, and defend your homeland!Start a challenge with your Ninja, download 'Ultimate Ninja:Ninja King' for more surprises!

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