- Tenchu Z is an Action-Adventure, Combat, Third-person, Stealth, Co-op, and Single-player video game by Microsoft Game Studios. The gameplay is different from other Tenchu installments, in which the player can create his ninja characters with new and unique skills.
- Tenchu Z is the game Tenchu fans have been waiting for for about ten years, and it was worth the wait. Lets get this out of the way first, the story is a little thin granted, it's not bad it just isn't present for most of the game. Jul 14, 2012 Tenchu Z xbox360 jtag rgh Download ISO Direct download Descarga Directa trailer.
Tenchu Z Guys, I see that there are quite a number of awesome games already made compatible, but even though I read thread after thread requesting that Tenchu Z be made compatible, there has still yet to be even a response on the subject from the compatibility crew.
Note: This game is also titled Tenchu Senran.
Alternate costumesSuccessfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting to unlock the Modern Army, Foreign Set 1 (white), Foreign Set 2 (green), Foreign Set 3 (forest camo), and Foreign Set 4 (winter camo and red) costumes.
Special CostumesKill 50 Tomikichi to unlock the Special Costumes, which include the Lion Costume (face), Hotdog (sheath), and Kite and Flag (accessory).
Lurk and Feet abilitiesGet 1,000 Stealth Kills to unlock the Lurk and Feet abilities.
Victory celebrationAfter completing a mission, hold D-pad Up, Down, Left, or Right before the 'Mission Completed' screen appears to do one of four alternate victory poses.
B-swordThe B-sword is a purchasable item which makes your entire sword black except the blade itself, which remains silver when the item is equipped. It never breaks and you only have to buy it once. You can draw your sword with no effect to your visibility. This is a must buy item.
Upgrading abilitiesWhen you defeat the Boss in the Daylight Battle On Deck mission and the final mission, you will get an ability boost to your main abilities. It boosts by 20 each time.
Getting 'Ninja 5' rank in Pursuit Of Echigoya missionThis is the hardest level in the game to get this rank. As soon as you gain control of your character, jump to the left-most buildings. Walk along them until you see an innocent man. When he waves and turns around to walk away, jump down and grab the guard below. Kill him, then jump on the building to your left, staying to the left of Echigoya. Once you reach the end of the rooftop, there should be a man below you. Kill him, then jump on to the building in front of you with Echigoya turning right to go down a street. Run along the rooftop and jump to the building to your right. Sit here and watch as a Tomikichi walks past Echigoya. Note: Tomikichi are the men that wear the basket hats. Once Echigoya walks away, watch the innocent person up and to your right. Wait for him to turn. If you jumped down and killed the Tomikichi when he was turning, he will spot you and walk over. Once he turns, jump down and kill the Tomikichi. Next, walk back toward Echigoya and jump on the fence to your left and onto a rooftop, A man will walk into view below you. Jump down and kill him, then run down the alleyway there. Stop at the first opening to your right. Jump up onto the roof and go to the top to restart the timer. Then, jump down to your left and another man will be there. Kill him, then climb the building you where on before to restart the timer. Next, jump over the wall to your left and wait. You will end up with about 00:03:00 when doing this, but it is possible. Wait and Echigoya will get disturbed, seeing the dead body you killed a few moments ago. He will run. Walk to the left and you should see two guards. Wait until the enemy to your left moves closer to you, then kill him. It is easier if you have the Badger ability. Once he is dead, run down to the end of this street avoiding the Tomikichi, and jump on the building to your right to reset the timer. Sit on this roof and wait until Echigoya passes. When he does, the Tomikichi should move past him. Drop down and kill him. Once he is dead, jump back on the roof that you were sitting on, then jump to the building across from it. Make sure you are following Echigoya. Once you catch up, you should be behind a building. Drop down and run to the last building, staying behind it. The last enemy will walk to this building. Run out and kill him, then run and jump onto the wall in front of you or to your left, and jump onto the building. Echigoya will spot a dead body and begin to run. Follow him. You may also need to kill the dog. The dog is in the alleyway close to where you killed the second person at the beginning. Once you jump to the next building and crawl to the gate, just sit there to complete the mission. Note: The requirements necessary to get a 'Ninja 5' rank are you cannot be spotted by any one, and you must kill all the enemies (eight in this mission, may also include the dog).
Defeating the Boss in Daylight Battle On Deck missionYou will meet this Boss two times. You can defeat him easily by knocking him into a body of water. Water seems to instantly kill all enemies.
Get on top of map in daylight battle on deckFirst, kill every person on the map. Then, go to the top right corner of the map (the stairs leading to the mansion). At the top of the stairs, turn right. You will see the spiked fence. Long jump towards it. Hold RB and move all the way to the right. Note: You must have at least tier one of the Wall skill. When you wall run all the way to the right, you will be standing in mid-air. Do not move or you will fall back down. Keep pressing Jump until the sky turns back. You can now walk around on top of the map.
AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Complete 5 Missions (20 points): Complete 5 missions.
- Complete 10 Missions (20 points): Complete 10 missions.
- Complete 20 Missions (30 points): Complete 20 missions.
- Complete 30 Missions (30 points): Complete 30 missions.
- Complete 40 Missions (40 points): Complete 40 missions.
- Complete 50 Missions (50 points): Complete 50 missions.
- 20 Stealth Kills (20 points): Defeat 20 enemies with Stealth Kills.
- 50 Stealth Kills (20 points): Defeat 50 enemies with Stealth Kills.
- 100 Stealth Kills (30 points): Defeat 100 enemies with Stealth Kills.
- 300 Stealth Kills (30 points): Defeat 300 enemies with Stealth Kills.
- 500 Stealth Kills (30 points): Defeat 500 enemies with Stealth Kills.
- 700 Stealth Kills (40 points): Defeat 700 enemies with Stealth Kills.
- 1000 Stealth Kills (50 points): Defeat 1,000 enemies with Stealth Kills.
- 10 Ninja 5 ranks (20 points): Complete 10 missions with Ninja 5 rank.
- 30 Ninja 5 ranks (20 points): Complete 30 missions with Ninja 5 rank.
- 50 Ninja 5 ranks (30 points): Complete 50 missions with Ninja 5 rank.
- Ninja 5 All Easy Missions (30 points): Complete all easy missions with Ninja 5 rank.
- Ninja 5 All Normal Missions (40 points): Complete all normal missions with Ninja 5 rank.
- Ninja 5 All Hard Missions (50 points): Complete all hard missions with Ninja 5 rank.
- Complete the game story (50 points): Complete Story mode.
Additionally, there are eleven secret achievements:
- Completed 1 Secret Mission (20 points): Completed 1 Secret Mission.
- Completed 2 Secret Mission (20 points): Completed 2 Secret Mission.
- Completed 3 Secret Mission (30 points): Completed 3 Secret Mission.
- Completed 4 Secret Mission (40 points): Completed 4 Secret Mission.
- Completed 5 Secret Mission (50 points): Completed 5 Secret Mission.
- Killed 5 Tomikichi (20 points): Killed 5 Tomikichi.
- Killed 10 Tomikichi (20 points): Killed 10 Tomikichi.
- Killed 20 Tomikichi (30 points): Killed 20 Tomikichi.
- Killed 30 Tomikichi (30 points): Killed 30 Tomikichi.
- Killed 40 Tomikichi (40 points): Killed 40 Tomikichi.
- Killed 50 Tomikichi (50 points): Killed 50 Tomikichi.
Tenchu Z
Tenchu Z is an Action-Adventure, Combat, Third-person, Stealth, Co-op, and Single-player video game by Microsoft Game Studios. The gameplay is different from other Tenchu installments, in which the player can create his ninja characters with new and unique skills. After establishing his character, the game allows the player to get into the game to complete a number of the task to progress.
The country of Gohda, where the Azuma clan of ninja resides under the facility of Lord Gohda, is on the brink of battle with the state of Ogawara. After that, the Azuma is sent to assassinate those who are helping the Ogawara. The game contains up to fifty challenging missions, and in each mission, the player can use his ninja abilities to complete all tasks. During the gameplay, the player can face powerful enemy creatures that will try to kill the player, use his skill, and defeat them all to progress.
Tenchu Z includes core features such as unique characters, lots of items and gadgets, upgrades, different locations to explore and unlock new abilities, etc. The game offers superb game controls and setting, enhanced game mechanics excellent visual details.
#1 Bully: Scholarship Edition
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Tenchu Z Pc Port
Bully: Scholarship Edition is an Action-Adventure, Open-World, and Single-player video game By Rockstar. It is a sequel to the original title, Bully, taking place in the boarding school in New England. The story of the game revolves around the protagonist named Jimmy Hopkins, who is a student of a boarding school. The gameplay consists of various real-time activates such as making new friends, beating the jocks, kissing the girls, rescuing the nerds, and playing pranks.
It offers an open-world environment and allows the player to move in the world freely, takes missions, and complete them all to earn money, similar to games of GTA. It includes core features such as various missions, different combat, different weapons, ride vehicles, joint parties, and customization options, etc. The game offers quite addictive gameplay, content-rich story plot brilliant visuals, and enhanced mechanics.
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Tenchu Z Reviews
Tenchu Z is a brilliant video game which enables me to become a part of interactive and fast-paced gameplay and complete some essential missions and objective to get several rewards. Such a fantastic video game focuses on the country of Gohda where an Azuma clan attempts to enjoy all those facilities provided by Lord Gohda, who is in combat against the state of Ogawara. Later, the Azuma moves towards those who assist Ogawara against Lord Gogda and attempt to assassinate them.
Tenchu Z is a fantastic video game that proposes up to fifty challenging missions and obliges me to complete all of them to proceed further. Throughout the journey, I have to face lots of powerful enemy creatures and attempt to destroy them by making use of various kinds of weapons and firearms. I need to remain safe from the attack of enemies who try to kill me and snatch my guns.
Tenchu Z is an excellent video game that permits me to explore the entire world, find out some desired equipment, resources, and items, and perform various tasks and activities. Such a great game is action-oriented, which lets me perform different actions of real life. I am capable of getting into some adventurous places and scavenge numerous things, objects, etc. I need to become a part of combat and utilize various kinds of weapons and stealth to fight off and defeat multiple enemies.
Introducing various features such as upgradeable instruments, unique setting, brilliant graphics, and much more, the game offers multiple unique characters, allows me to select one from them, and jump into excellent interactive gameplay to complete several missions. I need to explore the entire world, utilize multiple items and gadgets for numerous purposes. I have to complete different activities to unlock some new skills, abilities, etc.

Tenchu Z is s fantastic video game which allows me to play as a solo with other virtual players and complete different quests and missions to get several rewards in various forms. The game introduces brilliant gameplay which requires me to create a ninja character by making use of many unique and new skills, abilities, etc. After creating and customizing the character, I have to get into the entire world, remain engaged in completing numbers of objectives and tasks to proceed further.